
Changes! Demonstrate - Change your Life Style!

Meretz UK would urge any Jewish and non Jewish person reading this to support the climate change demonstration this Saturday.  It may be that it is Sabbath but this is ever more reason to leave your car in its garage and walk. 

Meretz UK itself has been reworked from the bottom.  This year we have signed up to fair-trade, changed all the bulbs in the building to low voltage bulbs, use solely Ecover as a cleaning product  and are looking for further ways to improve our economic impact.

Our director, Daniel a former vegan, and current vegetarian, has given up his last carbon bastion in August, selling his motorbike. He travels to work by bicycle and does his grocery shopping with a Danish designed German made Nihola transport bike (fits 7-10 big grocery bags) (see nihola.de).

There are some alternatives the office could not afford yet, such as membership cards made from expensive recycled plastic for example, or a solar panel for the hot water..., or a gas and electricity contract from an all green energy company, but we like to put this on the menu when we can financially.  One of the next viable things would be a vegetable plot in our garden.

In the Middle East some still believe in nuclear and petrol energy.  How ironic that in the Sahel zone, similarly hot, they are planning on a huge solar energy plant (albeit how the electricity is supposed to be shared is a matter of injustice - nearly 100% to the EU).

Israel, Jordan and Syria continue to wreck the river Jordan and the Dead Sea decline is subject to many consultations that are but hot air.  Water desalination plants like the one near Ashkelon in Israel were supposed to solve the water shortage politics of the region but may cause severe marine life disruption, and if implemented along the Mediterranean and Red Sea by every nation could create dead seas out of these (BBC Radio 4).

The rest you know, the sea levels are rising, the ice caps are melting, the seas are increasingly polluted and over fished, life forms are extinguished at an annual shocking rate, deserts are growing, landslides, floods, droughts ....   what else do you need to hear?

Times are changing we may not be perfect but must try what we can.

Come and join in for a new awareness not just during the demonstrations but permanently with life-style changes!