We are pleased to announce that the Annual General Meeting of Meretz UK will take place on:-
- Sunday 16th October at 4.30 p.m.
- Hashomer House 37a Broadhurst Gardens London NW 6 3BN
All members are invited. The AGM will review the past year, including finances, and will also lay out ideas of what is to come in the year ahead. Members will have the opportunity to vote for office holders and to participate in discussions.
To be followed at 6.30 by a social event which will include a performance by Jewish comedian Ivor Dembina of his solo show This is Not a Subject for Comedy.
Amongst his many achievements - for which see link above - in 2010 Mr Dembina put on the first stand-up comedy gig in Parliament ... and as all can tell, things haven't quite been the same there ever since! Never scared of controversy, Dembina has delighted audiences up and down the country with the way he views those great affairs of the day (and those lesser everyday gripes we all suffer) through the prism of his uniquely wry eye. It should be a memorable evening, not to be missed! And we thank Ivor for agreeing to appear at Hashomer House.
Proceedings after 6.30 are open to all Meretz UK members, friends and the public.
There will be refreshments and more.
Tickets at the door £10 / £5 concessions.